Release Notes

Release Notes

Versioning Scheme

Totoval’s versioning scheme maintains the following convention: paradigm.major.minior-hotfix-n. For now, Major framework release v1.x.x are released when totoval is ready for production use, while minio release my be released as often as new feature has been added. Minor releases should never contain breaking changes.

When referencing the Totoval framework from your application, you should always use the version which Totoval is used. for example, Totoval’s version is v0.10.0, Totoval framework’s version should also be v0.10.0.

Totoval v0.10.x

Totoval v0.10.x upgrades the framework’s underlying Totoval components to the v0.10.x series.

Totoval v0.9.x

Totoval v0.9.x upgrades the framework’s underlying Totoval components to the v0.9.x series.


Migrate to v0.9.x

1. Code Replace

  • global replace:

    • gin.HandlerFunc => request.HandlerFunc
    • gin.Context => request.Context
    • gin.H => toto.V
    • logs.Field => toto.V
  • model replace:

    • gin.Context => model.Context

the request package is “”
the toto package is “” the model package is “”

Totoval v0.8.x

Totoval v0.8.x upgrades the framework’s underlying Totoval components to the v0.8.x series.


Migrate to v0.8.x

1. Configuration config/auth.go

>= v0.8.x added:

auth["model_ptr"] = &models.User{} // must be a pointer

2. Bootstrap bootstrap/app.go

>= v0.8.x added:


after lang.Initialize()

3. Routes

  • routes/provider.go
    < v0.8.x :

    func Register(router *gin.Engine) {
        version := &versions.V1{Prefix: "v1"}

    >= v0.8.x:

    func Register(router *gin.Engine) {
        defer route.Bind()
  • routes/versions/v1.go

    < v0.8.x:

    type V1 struct {
        Prefix string
    func (v1 *V1) Register(router *gin.Engine) {
        version := router.Group(v1.Prefix)
    func (v1 *V1) noAuth(group *gin.RouterGroup) {
        noAuthGroup := group.Group("")
            route.RegisterRouteGroup(&groups.AuthGroup{}, noAuthGroup)
            route.RegisterRouteGroup(&groups.UserAffiliationGroup{}, noAuthGroup)
    func (v1 *V1) auth(group *gin.RouterGroup) {
        authGroup := group.Group("", middleware.AuthRequired())
            route.RegisterRouteGroup(&groups.UserGroup{}, authGroup)

    >= v0.8.x:

    func NewV1(engine *gin.Engine) {
        ver := route.NewVersion(engine, "v1")
        // auth routes
        ver.Auth("", func(grp route.Grouper) {
            grp.AddGroup("/user", &groups.UserGroup{})
        // no auth routes
        ver.NoAuth("", func(grp route.Grouper) {
            grp.AddGroup("", &groups.AuthGroup{})
            grp.AddGroup("/user-affiliation", &groups.UserAffiliationGroup{})
  • routes/groups/xxx.go

    < v0.8.x example:

    func (ag *AuthGroup) Register(group *gin.RouterGroup) {
        newGroup := group.Group("")
            newGroup.POST("/login", ag.LoginController.Login)
            newGroup.POST("/register", ag.RegisterController.Register)

    >= v0.8.x example:

    func (ag *AuthGroup) Group(group route.Grouper) {
        group.POST("/login", ag.LoginController.Login)
        group.POST("/register", ag.RegisterController.Register)

4. Controllers app/http/controllers/xxx.go

< v0.8.x example:

func (*User) Info(c *gin.Context) {
	userID, isAbort := middleware.AuthClaimsID(c)
	if isAbort {
	user := models.User{
		ID: &userID,

	if err := m.H().First(&user, false); err != nil {
		c.JSON(http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, gin.H{"error": err.Error()})

>= v0.8.x example:

func (*User) Info(c *gin.Context) {
        if u.Scan(c) {
        user := u.User().Value().(*models.User)

5. Model app/models/user.go or your own user model

>= v0.8.x added:

func (user *User) Scan(userId uint) error {
	newUser := User{}
	if err := m.H().First(&newUser, false); err != nil {
		return err
	*user = newUser
	return nil
func (user *User) Value() interface{} {
	return user

Totoval v0.7.x

Totoval v0.7.x upgrades the framework’s underlying Totoval components to the v0.7.x series.

Totoval v0.6.x

Totoval v0.6.x upgrades the framework’s underlying Totoval components to the v0.6.x series.